Hello guys welcome to solution host.
In this article we are sharing information of how to make blogger template. By read complete post and it's series you will able to create blogger template.

So for creating your own blogger template please read complete article.

How to make blogger template
How to make blogger template from scratch

How to create blogger theme

For making your own blogger theme you need to knowledge of xml code.

But if you don't have knowledge of xml coding then don't worry just follow me and know how to make blogger theme.

Structure of blogger template

So before creating blogger template from scratch you need to know blogger template structure.

Let's see how is blogger theme structure.

Following things is available in blogger theme development :-
  • b:skin
  • b:template-skin
  • b:section


b:skin section is available in the head section means inside <head> tag.

Css is used to style our website.

And in the blogger theme we write css codes inside b:skin tag.

Below is the syntax of b:skin area


<!-- your css code appear hear--!>



Inside b:template-skin we write css code for design layout section.

It is written inside head tag.
Following is syntax of b:template-skin :-


<!--Layout section css code heare--->



b:section is written inside body tag.

for creating sections in blogger theme we use b:section tag. And also b:section is used for adding gadgets option in in layout.

Inside b:section we write b:widget tag which is a gadget.

Syntax of b:section

<b:section id='section-id' class='class-id'>

<!--- widgets appear here -->


Noted that change section id and class id with your choice. It's name is anything.

But do not same I'd in multiple b:section

So it is the very important basic information for developing blogger template.


In this article you have read basic information for creating blogger themes.

Thanks for reading.