How to check that my Blogger website has indexed on Google search and what's the simple way to rank on Google search?

Hello guys welcome to solution host.

Today I am going to show you how to check blog has indexed on google search or not.

Means by reading complete article you will get Knowledge of google search console indexing.

If you want to check that is your blog indexed or not then you need to check it from just 1 thing that is the method of checking that, url has indexed on search console.

So please read complete post for full details.

has blog indexed

How to check url has indexed on google search

This question is common for every bloggers.

There is two way of checking that, has blog indexed on search or not.

Method 1

The first method of checking url indexing is given in the following steps

Step 1

Go to search console

Step 2

Login and select those website which you want to know has blog indexed or not.

Step 3

Click on search button and write or paste url of your blog or page and press enter.

Step 4

Wait 10 seconds and if you will get message that is "url is on google".

Then your url is indexed.

And if you see the following message -

Url is not on google

Then your url is not on google. That means your url is not indexed.

Method 2

In a second method of checking url indexing, follow the following steps

Step 1

Open your browser and click on urlbar and write -


Step 2

Now write or paste your url after site: which you want to check indexing.

It will look like this


Step 3

Now press enter or search it.

If your blog or post is showing then your url is indexed.

Otherwise your blog url is not indexing.


So i hope this article of blogger is helpful for you.
